Sunday, November 28, 2010

You Know You are a Cute Little Heartbreaker

 I delivered the good news to my nephew today... Mr. Fox is done!  This project has been my longest so far, a whopping 4 months!  I learned many new techniques for the little guy, including how to knit those darn fingers and toes.  Anyway, I am going to just show the fruits of my labor instead of blabbering on about the knitting process.  Introducing, the fantastic Farmer Fox!

A "tail" of two cities...started in LA,
finished in Boston.
Gone to pieces...

Caught in a bad romance...


  1. That is so great! He will be one loved little fox!

  2. Fox was received today! While talking to Josh, Nate asked if he could talk to me. "Aunt Maggie," he said, "could you make me a wolf for my birthday?" Ha! Good thing is birthday is a year away!
