actually, Liam and I are kicking back, drinking our oyster beer while the ladies scrub and bubble. Liam, in his time off, is looking up the ingredients to the oyster beer. you are getting live coverage of our British Isles.
Update, Island Creek Oyster Stout is the official name. "Known to the Harpoon employees as number 36. Everybody loves oysters. Everyone loved the pairing of oysters and beer." Apparently there is a long tradition of the marriage between stouts and oysters, but never the procreation. Bill Leahy is the genius behind this amazing beer. Our oysters come from Duxbury Bay. Chocolate rye malt, briny, and some yumminess.
Jessie is doing a stellar job, even knew to get the saucepan from the cheese before I could call her out on slacking. Whit is drying and stacking like a bad ass.
Craziness erupts! Liam was so excited about the beer he dumped his on the floor.
BTW, Jessie has been using the phrase, "Winner, winner, chicken dinner." Which, in my opinion, meant nothing what-so-ever. However, she has been claiming it is actually a thing. As I am blogging I noticed a tab open on her web browser. Apparently she had her doubts as well because she googled the phrase. Top two responses: "I've never heard this in all my life." and "It rhymes. Some drunk guy said it once and it stuck."
Yes, folks, this is top notch stuff. More later.
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