so i finally got the needles yesterday and set to work on the first scarf. after a couple of hours, i had a small panic attack. the scarf is supposed to be 15" wide, and as i was getting to the end of the yarn, i realized i didnt order enough. f*ck. i was super impressed by my inability to plan ahead or add up yardage. i was about to throw the stupid thing of the floor and give up when i realized i had an entire box of yarn in my room and i should really just take a quick peak before i lost all hope. and alas, i dont suck. and i can do addition. i just cant count balls of yarn. huzzah!
so at this point, im about halfway through scarf numero uno and thinking it's a good thing that i started this is june. it's taking a bit longer than expected, but i guess i will just have to get back in the habit of bringing my knitting everywhere. so take that as a warning, friends, and get your old lady jokes ready.

and in true jessie form, i totes dropped a stitch while taking the following pic. huzzah?
There will be a knitting bonanza back home in 12 days. Bink, Gollie, Marmie, and I will be there. WILL YOU!??!?!?