Thursday, October 18, 2012

what howe girls do

so howe girls do stuff is supposed to be about what we do. which can be anything. so one would assume that if there are no posts, howe girls do jack shit. well this simply just isn't true. howe girls do procrastination very, very well. so, without further ado, i present to you what this howe girl did, in picture form...
baked cookies
knit a wonky glove...
...and took it apart
hung out in brooklyn
spent a day hiking
hung w einstein
pissed off a cat enough to do this
was a baller and got flowers
made hipster eggs
saw jack white and his creepy band of zombie ladies
watched the nats win
made a new best friend
stalked adorable children's authors
was jealous of children screaming for coffee in italian
met a baby 
turned my friend into a model
surprised momma w balloons
made an american flag cake...
...for captain america

well there you have it. a snap shot of what this howe girl has been doing. next time i will hopefully have an entire blog post w words instead of just pictures. but lets face it. why do today what i can do tomorrow???