Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So you had a bad day...

During school today my students were getting a little crazy. We had a sit-down chat about the natural consequences, wasting time, etc. When I asked their opinion on the matter, one student (who gets an A!) said, "Yeah, it also wastes Miss Maggie's time. I mean, last night she probably spent a couple of hours preparing for today and now it is a waste of her time. She could have done something else with her time." "You know what, " I reply," you are right! I didn't even think of that! I could have curled up with a nice cup of tea and a book." "Or your knitting! You need to work on your knitting too."

It is official, I'm a knitter!

1 comment:

  1. lol. that is awesome. your students are smarter than my brokers!
